12th World AIDS Conference
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...bridging the gap

LAST UPDATE: Thursday, 2 July, 1998 22:352 GMT        V O X   P O P U L I                          ...all the news, as it happens


What will you do when you get home to bridge the gap?

going home

With so many ways to address the gaps between North and South, between those who are "in" and those who are "out" and between those who have, and those who have not,  which path will you choose?


"Our goal is to find preventive measures and to put them into practice, whether in the North or South. For us, the gap is between knowing how to protect yourself and not knowing."
– Atlanta, USA

"We have to use available resources more efficiently. We have to make the best of what we've got and shouldn't expect miracles or wait for someone else to come in and solve our problems."
– Dakar, Senegal

"What will I do? Work, work, work. The gap has to do with the lack of knowledge about AIDS. If everyone knew more about it, we could improve prevention, have earlier diagnosis and give patients a better quality of life."
– Riberao Preto, Brazil

"There's a big difference in scientific knowledge between the North and South, but there's also a gap between available scientific knowledge and practical technologies. Doctors need to explain HIV in a way that patients and the community can understand, which will help ensure prevention."
– Fajara, Gambia

"I will go back to my Christian community and promote the need for generosity and charity towards the sick, so that they can gain access to the most basic medications. As a priest, I see enormous indifference towards those afflicted with AIDS... Rich people must become more interested in health care for the poorest, to create a chain of true solidarity."
– Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

"We'll continue trying to get sponsorship for a comic book project to give information on caring for people with HIV/AIDS. The biggest gap is in educating men so their families are better protected from HIV. Thai men often seek sex services outside the home. They think a person who looks healthy can't be infected with HIV. We have to change the thinking of the younger generation."
– Bangkok, Thailand


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